GUGER FORSCHUNGS GmbH is all about energy. Our research and business shareholders, employees and researchers believe in the concept of harnessing the energy of the sun to benefit people in the best way possible.

Our work is driven by visions, ideas and development. Our company aims are key elements of our forward-thinking ‘next generation’ system solution for photovoltaics.

  • Increasing efficiency
  • Greater profitability
  • Responsible sustainability


We believe that we can use our system solutions to create completely new business and operator models based on photovoltaics. We focus on off-grid operation of electrical systems.

We see ourselves as a specialist team in a range of product development categories and combine our competences on a project basis.

Our network of internationally active researchers and technicians supports our development processes and works with us to refine promising product developments in the field of renewable energy.  

“Ethical values and social goals are placed on equal footing with performance indicators at Guger Forschungs GmbH. We see it as our role to serve people: with cost-effective, high performance and sustainable environmentally-friendly photovoltaic systems”.